Hulett, Ninnian E
Mayor Nin Hulett
I look forward to working with Council members, City administrators and employees as we team together to provide our citizens the highest quality of community services possible within our budget.
During my three year term, I ask for your support and input as we grow our vision for Granbury. We need to maintain a quality infrastructure of utilities, streets and water for our current needs and for future growth. Granbury is a beautiful community, we need to maintain our landscapes, parks and buildings in a manner we can take pride in for years to come. We will work to grow our historic downtown with thriving businesses while still maintaining the small town feel we love. At the same time we will team with other entities to focus on economic development opportunities that will bring both business expansions and new industry and retail to our citizens.
As a community we have challenges ahead of us, with your support and team work, we can meet these head on. I am committed to working with advisory boards, committees and citizens who continue to volunteer time and energy in serving our community. Together we will enhance what our previous city government has provided and we will work together to establish a legacy of growing a great city for our children and theirs.
Let’s continue working together, to build a better Granbury.
Mayor Nin Hulett