The Granbury Chamber of Commerce hosted the May luncheon with guest speaker Todd Gibson of the Granbury High School CTE program. Mr. Gibson brought with him members of the F1 in Schools program representing students from the STEM challenge program. This program is the only global multi-disciplinary challenge in which teams of students aged 9 to 19 deploy CAD/CAM software to collaborate, design, analyze, manufacture, test, and race miniature compressed air powered F1 cars.

The Chamber presented a $5,000 donation to Mr. Gibson and his team at the luncheon on May 18th. These sponsorships help fund the teams (there are two) as they compete on the regional, national, and international level. The Chamber has been a proud sponsor of the program since 2014.

The Lone Star Racing and Torrent Racing teams placed first and third at the regional event earlier this year at the Circuit of the Americas, and are competing on the national level in June in August. There is the possibility of an international showing in Singapore in September at the World Finals.

For more information on this special STEM program, please visit the GISD 

Tammie Hines, Marketing/Communications Director