Donation Funds Landscaping Project Near Downtown Granbury

Thanks to the generosity of the Lake Granbury Area Beautification Council, what were once plots of dirt are now beautifully landscaped areas surrounding the lights at the intersection of Business US 377 and Loop 567 near downtown Granbury.

The Lake Granbury Area Beautification Council, which is an organization that promotes a cleaner and more beautiful Granbury through local fundraising projects, reached out to the City about donating funds so that the medians could be landscaped at the popular intersection just outside of downtown Granbury.

Their donation of $2,100 funded all the landscaping design, materials, and labor. City of Granbury staff both designed the landscaping and implemented the design. Staff chose a xeriscape design, which is a style of landscape design that requires little or no irrigation and maintenance. The newly-implemented design features small and large stones, cactus, and other plants.

Bethany Kyle, Public Information Officer, (817) 573-6764